Worried About Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Don’t Be!
The final set of molars to emerge in a person’s mouth, typically between the ages of 17 and 25, are the wisdom teeth. Not everyone requires extraction of their wisdom teeth. The teeth may fully develop and present no issues. However, in some situations removal is required due to jaw discomfort, crowding, and/or significant decay or infection. If left untreated, decay in non-protruding (impacted) wisdom teeth can invade surrounding soft tissue, leading to bone loss in the jaw. This can result in severe long-term oral health issues. Therefore, it is essential to remove impacted wisdom teeth as soon as possible to prevent long-term harm or – or possible tooth loss – in the future.
Do Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Come Out?
- Does the back of your jaw hurt when you eat or chew?
- Does it look swollen or inflamed?
- Can you feel pressure in the back molar region of your mouth?
- Have your wisdom teeth emerged from the surface of the gums?
- Has a different dentist suggested removing wisdom teeth?